Officially down. MAN DOWN. The throat infection's complications have triggered an asthma attack, now i'm down for the count. Every single breat h is laboured aggony... and phlegm is making matters worse. And my old inhaler's cartridge expired 3 years ago.. it was so long ago since i've had an attack. Woke up this morning with an extreme pain in my upper back, coupled with muscle fatigue, and strain on the lung muscles working overtime to get oxygen into the lungs through a severely constricted trachea. Next time i see anyone laughing at someone who has asthma, i'll repeatedly kick them in the chest so they can feel a fraction of the pain asthma sufferers go through.
Went to the UM hospital this morning; coulldn;t drive myself and had to phone mom an dad. Went straight to the Acute/Emergency/Trauma area, and was immediately put on the nebuliser. Got a new inhaler, an anti-inflammatory inhaler, and two packets of antibiotics a t the pharmacy. Passed some display boards showing pretty gruesome pictures of various extreme injuries, apparently detailing how the hospital prioritises its treatment. And i'm thinking, wtf do i need to see that?
Been in bed since coming back at 11am, and just woke up at 7pm. My hadns are alittle shaky, small muslce spasms are side effects of the inhaler so forgive any spelling mistakes. The start of a new year thats filled with so many bad omens, personal and international disasters can't be a good one...
I don't want to miss tomorrow's training..... damn it.
Gonna pop the pills (what, one before meals and one after? Argh.) and hit the sack. Hopefully i can banish this curse by monday...
LynX out.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
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dear, take good care of yerself...get well soon...and pls pls pls...remember to take ur medicine...muax
Holy crap! As a mild asmtha patient when I was a kid I share your pain man. Here's to hoping you'll be better soon. Blake be with you.
yeah u'd better take care mate. u dun look ok to me today. maybe a lil better. drink more water and take ur medication mate
Thanks! :D
Better now, tho the cough is stubbornly hanging on. Least the sore throat is gone. I appreciate your concern. :)
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