Friday, February 11, 2005

Once a year thing....

Well, Chinese New Year is here, though i'm not really looking forward to seeing some relatives... hate those bloody smug marrieds.

Busying myself with finishing those trice-cursed assignments and trying not to think of tomorrow.... almost feel like not going to uni tomorrow. just wanna sleep at home and forget everything.

Found more good music, a new band Aoineko who have some really great chillin' out music, and they generously have some mp3s of their songs available for download at their website:
Now, this is one band i'll probably be getting an original CD of.

Anyway, gonna go Kino later to get some bookz and maybe catch a movie with some frens...

W00t, Knights of the Old Republic 2 is coming on Monday! Finally a diversion, been awhile since i finished Bloodlines and there has been a serious lack of good RPGs in the market.

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