Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Need For Speed: (Nearly) Roadkill

As many of you may know by now (news spreads very fast indeed in our little campus... half the uni and the staff know about it already haha), i got my "Ferrari" into a little spot today near the PA block. Okay i admit, it was a fricking hugely humungous biggestest friggin' spot ever.

As i was driving along the road (it was pretty deserted so i was going around 40-50kph), one of the dogs that "patrols" this area, (the furry brown and black one) suddenly ran across the road not 4 metres in front or my car (i think chasing his white-furred friend... who was on the opposite side of the road), causing me to hit the brakes and swerve to the left to avoid the bugger. The momentum of the car didn't give up so easily tho, and i went right over the grass at the side of the road before i managed to pull the emergency handbrake. I swear the car lifted an inch or two before settling down on the ground. Unfortunately, one of my front wheels went down a small sheer slope, and was blocked by a tree root so i couldn't get the bloody thing up. And the car weighed a veritable ton. Burned a little rubber and grass trying to "gostan" the car to no avail.

Since my class was already starting, i had to leave it there for the time being. Hastily buzzed CCM for assistance with some "manual labour", hehe, and at 2pm them homies (CCM, Eugene, Joe, Dylan and Bernard) helped me get the "Ferrari" back on track, then went to 17 to DoTA (THANX A LOT D00Dz, will blanjar ya'll takei next time!).

Well, the only good side of that is it saved me from finding a parking spot, and one exclusive parking spot that was! (not that i'd want to "park" there again....)


Hokkien_Siang said...

my fren also got this game Need For speed underground. The graphic is not bad ! nice game

Siryn said...

Aiyoooo, you ar. :P Didn't tell Da, did you? :P

BlurChu? said...

sorry for posting this comment so late. but at least you did post about this incident. therefore, i'll post here what i told you yesterday:

i got my palm dirtied by mud when we managed to move your car out. should have place a nice, muddy palm-print, and say, "I'm a FORCE OF NATURE!" hahaha!~


Lynx said...


haha, ya, i know, but i think NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 nicer lor.


Dun need bother him with... little things like this. :P


np man, haha!