Saturday, April 16, 2005

Need For Speed 2: Not Quite Underground

I admit, i love driving fast. I have a strange tendency to think of being on the road as "wasting time", so to me driving is a necessary annoyance, what with all those traffic jams and people who think that old, small car=easy to bully/intimidate. So,the faster i reach my destination, the better.

So my driving style is rather.... aggressive, as some people have pointed out. Well, i don't drive with reckless abandon, and the great thing about driving like this is other people will stay the hell out of your way, even those so-called "muscle cars".

But i am careful with my driving, especially when i have passengers, despite appearances to the contrary. After all, i don't intend to die in a road accident, such an ignoble way to go it is.

Why do speed-related accidents happen? Well, here's the biggest one: lack of control. People who overestimate their car's ability to handle high speeds, don't understand their car's workings well enough, or are just too damn reckless and overconfident, or just plain showing off their "powerful engines" (which in reality is just modified mufflers to amplify the exhaust sounds), are most likely to get in a serious road accident.

What makes me any different, you ask? Well, one thing is that i do alot of the maintenance on the car myself. Being an old model, it requires more lovin' than those shiny new cars, so we're... more 'intimate' than most people with their rides.
Another thing is judgement. Being able to judge the situation is safe to go fast, or otherwise is important to keep one's health in a favourable condition (meaning not mashed into a pulp). Its best explained as a feeling of surety, knowing what the hell you are doing, knowing how well (or how badly) your car handles, and being aware of everything else happening on the road.
Thinking you can come to a complete stop instantly while driving 100kmph cause you installed 4 disc brakes on your 1337 race car is not an example of knowing what your car can handle.

Anyway, enough of the self-justficication, on to what i like about driving.

Really, really late at night is my favourite time to drive, being able to drive as slow or as fast as i like (just mind the numerous potholes and "speedbumps" which are infamous in our fair country, courtesy of the RTD), just breathing in the cool night air, enjoying the quiet night streets and looking at the stars. Not having any urgent reason to go anywhere makes it a pleasant experience, and just being alone in such an environment allows me to clear my thoughts, or for some serious contemplation.

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