Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Water Pollution!

I swear the water dispensers today at uni had some drainwater or something equally vile channeled into it. I had just arrived at uni for class, and decided to take a drink before going in for classes. As i didn't bring my water bottle, i cupped the water in my palm, but as i leaned in to drink, i smelt a rather disgusting odour, but assumed it was from the loo, which was inauspiciously placed really near to the machine.
Someone passed me by just as i leaned in to drink, and i assumed the smell followed him out. But it lingered, and after the first drink i suspected something was wrong with the water (the toilet rarely smells that bad in uni thank god). Upon further invenstigation, i learned that both the machines on the first and second floor were affected, and it seems they were just "serviced" today. Serviced, you say!?

If what i'm smelling there was accumulated over several months, i have to really question the qualiy control of the water companies that supply our area. Water quality has been steadily dropping since it was privatised, but strangely the water rates has increased, even with Government subsidies! In fact, it has gotten so bad that we HAVE to buy water filters just to have clean drinking water. With the money we're paying, shouldn't we be getting clean water instead of the dirt and rust-filled water we're getting now? Or is it really a ploy to get people to buy something that was considered an unnecessary luxury before?

Look 5 years ago. Next to nobody used water filters except those rich people who wanted to show they're "richer than thou" and invest in pretty useless things. Now just look. Almost every single household from Subang and BU to PJ has at least one filter, but the norm is two now. That, folks, is how damn DIRTY the water is. You can change the filter for just a day, and it'll be pretty brown the next day.

Now call me paranoid, but seriously, is it just very convenient that this filtering business just happened to be in place when the water started getting dirty? I'm sure several individuals had gotten pretty damn rich from this. Coincidences are really rare, and when money is involved, really quite non-existent.

Pretty damn paranoid? Perhaps, perhaps i am. But is that necessarily a bad thing? Is ignorance really bliss? Well, i have my opinions, and you yours. As for my part, lets just say i've had my share of being screwed around with, and i try to avoid that as far as i can.


BlurChu? said...


i have to agree with you lah, Alex. but i blame the university's poor maintanence for it. i think this should be voiced out in "The U," what say you?

that's why you should either bring your own bottled water or fast. i suggest the former.


Lynx said...

Lol, indeed.

Die Kaiserin said...

Speakin of water pollution.. this phenomena is getting outta hand. It is unbelievable that despite being a developed country, we're unable to settle this tiny problem.. water Quality!!!

Just fill up your water bottle. leave it say for a day.. and at the end of the day what'll you get.. sediments , rust at the bottom of bottle..

so much so for proper drinking water.
seeing that rust transport one back to third-world nation