Sunday, June 26, 2005

A little Work In Progress...

Most if my time now goes into uni work, catching up with the news, socialising, working out and sleeping. But i haven't neglected my 3D skillz, so here's a WiP of the Liao Command Centre with the basic skin and major detailing done. Remaining is additional detailing and weathering (this part is harder than you think....), both on the main building and the still-pending base. Any comments on how to improve it is welcome, just keep in mind its made for a Real Time Strategy engine mmkaythxbye.

And for you TCS fans who discovered this page, just wanna tell you this is the only place to find early previews of the internal development material from MTS and TCS. ;P

Star Captain LynX Kerensky,
4th Wolf Guards Assault Cluster,
Clan Wolf-In-Exile.

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