Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Dark Side

Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hatred leads to power.
Power leads to victory.
Let your anger flow through you.
Your hate will make you strong.
True power is only achieved through
testing the limits of one's anger,
passing through unscathed.
Rage channeled through anger is unstoppable.
The dark side of the force
offers unimaginable power.
The dark side is stronger than the light.
The weak deserve their fate.

–tenets of Sith philosophy

Anger. Anger is something i don't give in to often, nor show. But everyone has a limit, before it becomes impossible to hold back.

Anger is what i feel now.

It is a burning sensation,it burns with a passion.

Self control has let me direct the anger, render it malleable, to channel and use it. Anger provides focus, clarity, strength.

Yet, hot anger is fleeting, its power waxes and wanes as it pleases. Flames are fleeting, fickle things.
Cold, ages-old anger on the other hand, are the most powerful, and rare. Cold is patient, calculating, precise, efficient.


There are several distinct kinds of people in this world of group teamwork efforts.

First, is the elite. These are the perfect, productive team members, they participate in discussions and give constructive contributions to it, will try and keep a discussion going by giving ideas and suggestions, use their own initiative to bring up and clarify any ambiguities they have with their tasks as well as doing as much research as possible on the project, and are actually concerned about the project and complete their assignments on time. The team leader is selected based on the required organisational skills, or based on the extent of knowledge he or she has about the assignment topic, and is clearly elected.

Second-in-commands are similar to elites, but are different in the sense that they will only actively contribute to a discussion when the discussion is not making any headway. These types are also reluctant to take on the responsibility of a team leader, but will attempt to do a good job of it if voted to the position.
Second-in-commands are usually also competent in all the things elites can do.

Third, are the followers. These are the drones of the team project world. Followers do exactly that: follow. They will follow any plan that is outlined, regardless of its merit and rarely if ever voice their opinions or contribute anything worthwhile to the project. When doing brainstorming sessions, they will sit quietly and stare at other people or generally be inattentive to the flow of the discussion; letting other people do the thinking for them. When it comes to the time to work on the project, followers will require exact directions on how to conduct their work.

Fourth, are the illusionists. Illusionists are extremely difficult to identify, as fakers love to masquerade as elites. Illusionists are armed with a formidable array of 'important' and 'official' sounding words in their vocabulary, and mimic politians in their speech. Common phrases are "basically,", "practically,", "the fact of the matter is...", "it is imperative that we...", and use such bombastic speech to dazzle others to create an impression of competence. Illusionists will aggressively seek power, and if placed in a position of responsibility, an illusionist will attempt to delegate all the tasks to other members, and routinely request work status reports from them.

Illusionists are only identifiable when asked to explain something in detail or asked a technical question, or confronted with an elite. When this happens, their self-defence mechanism will then activate and make them spew confusing, pointless and fallacy-ridden counter-questions and arguments as well as using misdirection and stalling techniques. When an illusionist is exposed, he or she will attempt to retreat and quit the team.

Fifth are the manipulators. Manipulators are masters of manipulation,and will make every effort to make other group members do their work for them. If left unchecked, manipulators will eventually have someone else to their entire share of the work for them. Usual tactics are asking a question, followed by a request for a demonstration.... and the rest is history.


BlurChu? said...


I can see where this entry is going dude!

Look into my eyes, Alex! Get me a bottle of Pepsi! HAHAHA!~


Anonymous said...

A post, finally.

I wanna take the last spot! :-P

Lynx said...

Lol, and who might you be, mr/ms anonymous? :P

Anonymous said...


anonymous -Wu

Forgot to add in mename.