[inner voice] So, what happened to your New Year's Resolutions for 2008, huh? AHA! Didn't think i'd forget, did you? DID YOU!? Nuahahahahahha-urk [/mestranglesthatbastard]
Ahem, I was *just* getting to that, tyvm. What of my previous year's resolutions indeed.
Lynx's 2008 Resolutions: Results!
- Socialise more - Hmmm, I have been going out more often this year, and met some new friends so I can safely say i've succeeded on this.
- Get the body I want - Made definite progress on this front, but still have a long while yet to go.
- Improve my 3D skills - Haven't really practiced much, but on the other hand I made an effort to try out several other 3D programs, so that still qualifies as improvement.
- Update blog more often - Wow, I really dropped the ball here! 27 posts in 2007 compared to *nine* in 2008! More decisive action must be taken!
- Practice more on my guitar - I've learned a total of 3 new songs compared to 2 in 2007, so yay resolution succeeded!
- Improve my photography skills - Been reading up abit on the theory, especially composing shots, visual balance, and learned alot about product shots, so I consider this goal achieved!
- Focus even more on positive things - Hmmm, I guess so. There were some very tough times when I really felt like throwing in the towel, but I decided to persevere and see my problems as challenges I can and must overcome, and I came out the better for it.
- Get out of the habit of procrastinating - Work has forced me to put some things off, while giving me little to no leeway for procrastination for others, so this is still unreached.
- Make solid plans to make a living overseas - Talked to friends and relatives living in other countries and got a general feel of how life is in those countries, made some assessments on my own status, and decided that I still have a couple more years before I can really start considering and planning in earnest.
- Put more effort into exercising more regularly - Still following my 3 days a week routine at the gym, so I have to consider this goal unfulfilled.
All in all, i've been successful at some and not at others. Still, some goals are perpetually in progress, so a new list with some old and new Resolutions are in order!
- Be more responsible. Must pay more attention and put importance in taking care of details I am responsible for handling.
- Train myself to work faster, take initiative and motivate myself to practice Photoshop even during downtime periods.
- Improve 3D skills! Learn and become proficient in normal mapping as well as rigging the models for animating.
- Get a new gf. Been long enough since the last, time enough to have gotten over it completely.
- Begin planning and pre-production work on my long term projects.
- Work out enough to get at least some abdominal definition.
- Save at least one quarter of my pay every month.
- Learn at least 2 new songs on the guitar.
- Update blog at least twice a month.
- Procrastination blah blah blah.
So hopefully, i'll be able to achieve at least two-thirds of my resolutions by the end of the year. Now that the talk has been done, time for the walk- part of it! Hope you guys and girls who read my blog are successful at your resolutions as well, if you made them! :D
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