Decided to learn to cook something *other* than instant mee and telur mata kerbau today, cause eating out all the time is rather expensive and I can't control what goes into the food.
So, I settled for something I really like to eat, that wouldn't require a whole lot of culinary expertise to make: pasta! So first things first, a trip to Jusco in MidValley to shop for ingredients.
What I got:
Pasta sauce (large bottle) - RM11.90
Bay leaves - RM8.90(!!!!!)
Cherry tomatoes - RM 3.90
Spirali pasta - RM4.50
Bag of white garlic - RM1.30
Peeled baby carrots - RM4
Grated parmesan - RM20(!!!!)
Lean chicken fillet - RM10
Small bottle of olive oil - RM6.90
Total RM71.40
Yeah, the bay leaves were quite expensive and the parmesan too, probably not going to use those next time.
Having bought the ingredients, I went home and prepared to cook up a storm! Ok, maybe a drizzle but whatever. I dumped the pasta into some boiling water and put it into the cooker and started getting ready the ingredients for the pasta sauce.
1 whole plate of chicken fillet
1 whole bag of baby carrots
2 whole bulbs of garlic
half a box of cherry tomatoes
about 7 bay leaves
1 whole bottle of pasta sauce
I cut the garlic and carrots into chunky bits so they'd keep some flavor (also because I don't have a chopping board, and I don't fancy chopping my fingers off), put the cherry tomatoes in whole (was not really necessary, will omit next time), and put all the ingredients in when the sauce started boiling.
I waited until the sauce started boiling again and the chicken was cooked, then voila!
The results:

It turned out pretty nice for a first time effort by a complete noob, and the amount is good for 5-6 meals/people. Definitely gonna make more and experiment with other ingredients next time! :D
Looks tasty! :) I'm proud of ya ;)
I don't think you would need a lot of bay leaves for one serving. One will do.
And i think you can buy cheaper cheese, for about RM 15?
Anyway, good job, Alex!~
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