Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Of Dire Warnings and VIPs

Weather was terrible the whole day today. Scorching hot
around 11am, and raining cats and dogs at around 5pm. The
C&RP lecturer scared the students with dire warnings and
prophecies of doom should we not do our best this semester,
which created a grim atmosphere in the class. Tho from hearing
firsthand accounts of my fellow (senior) uni mates, i do realise that this is very true. One little screwup with one little subject could very
well mean losing a First Class Honours. And i worry about that
myself, since i have to take the advanced Chinese course. God
knows how bad my chinese is already..... i can only pray that it
won't pull my CGPA too low. Although i must admit, the lecturer
for the chinese course is pretty good. I can tell that she likes
teaching the subject, and loves reading, so her classes are
pretty intellectually stimulating as they have a certain
philosophical element to them (Even though i can't understand
half of what she's saying, i can make rough guesses from the
bigger picture lol).

Today was pretty eventful, what with Datuk Wira Dr. Fong Chan
Onn 'gracing' our premises with a visit and making a speech. He
arrived half an hour late, as expected since Malaysians think
being on time isn't stylish, apparently (hypocrite talking here :P
) It started off with the usual formalities, pretty mind-
numbingly boring stuff. But the speech that the good Datuk gave
was surprisingly good, as he was able to put in some jokes and
some personal experiences as well, so the audience was kept
interested (i particularly had to do so since i was asked to take
notes by the dean.... future journalist and all that blah). Though this is one of the rare cases when i felt attending a speech
wasn't a waste of my time.
Right at the end of the speech, it started raining heavily as if it
was especially meant to inconvenience everyone (who were
ready to go home by now).

Hmmm, if not for the crazy antics of some classmates, it'd probably be pretty quiet around these parts. I swear, they're the noisiest, craziest group of people in the uni. Such is the lot of JR students. :P

Couldn't force impressive nosebleed tho. Bugger.

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