Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Lord Vader..... Rise....

Firstly, apologies for not updating for such a long stretch of time, just didn't feel like writing anything the past few weeks.

Well, uni's reopened for "business" yesterday. Happy happy joy joy. Reluctantly dragged my lazy ass out of the comfort and tantalizing warmth of my bed into the cold, cold morning at 7am.

Drove over to uni in my "new" "Lamborghini", or so Joseph calls it (OMGWTFBBQ it comes with air conditioning!!!11oneoneoen), and found out that the first class was supposed to be at 12. So i loitered around the campus looking to see if any familiar faces were about, then went to read my new book, Tanequil from Terry Brook's Shannara series. His books interest me because he is not afraid of allowing main characters to come to great harm or even die, if he feels it would make the story better which is a path very few writers would dare to tread.

But i digress. 12am came, but the lecturer did not.

So the wait stretched on till 3pm, our Journalism 1 class where we formally met our lecturer for the first time, Ms. Sharon Wilson. The subject leans more on topics relevant to Journalism, and should prove most interesting.

Also went to catch the new (and supposedly last) Star Wars movie, Revenge of The Sith earlier. And i can safely say that its a good movie, unlike the previous two. But it had a couple of moments of cheesy parts and bad acting too, but it seems like a Lucasfilm trademark anyway. There's tons of lightsaber action, more than any other in the series in fact, and thats always a good thing hehe.

I won't spoil the movie for you (tho there isn't much to spoil in the first place anyway), but i'll tell you if you're bored and looking for a good movie to watch, RoTS is a good choice. Go on weekdays tho, its the only chance you'll get to see it cause phone booking is filled till next week in GSC Midvalley and probably everywhere else for that matter.


BlurChu? said...


watched Episode III already! and just watched Episode II just now! hahaha!~

and the MAIN SPOILER: Anakin Skywalker becomes... DARTH VADER!~


Lynx said...

Lol, omfg i never knew thT!!!111ONONONE