Friday, March 11, 2005

Busy, Busy and More Busy.

These few days have been pretty hectic, to put it mildly. Almost going nuts trying to balance assignments, misc. schoolwork, doing modelling for 2 mods, some more stuff for The U, and misc. other crap from uni.

The police seem to be focusing more on our uni's area now, they've come at least 3 times in this week alone! The street opposite the uni is pretty deserted in the morning, cause those spots get summons. The first time they came, i got hit with one, so meh to that. I managed to avoid them the other two times tho. Once i was just coming out of my car when i saw an officer just pulling up to the car behind me, several metres away so i beat a hasty retreat to another more distant spot. Zoomed past the guy a couple of times, and i daresay he looked a little ticked off at having lost the chance to issue a summons to me, muahaha!

Anyways, went do donate blood today at the blood donation drive in uni which was conducted in the CEE section. When filling up the form, i noticed that you had to sign a part that says "I, blablabla agree that the blood be used in experiments for HIV, hepatitis and some other stuff, "as the hospital sees fit".
Now, i was pretty confused at that. I thought i was donating blood for use in blood transfusions? Nobody said anything about experiments? When i asked the officer in the registration, she told me that it was an option to allow the hospital for testing your blood for any signs of those diseases only, without using it for transfusions, or sending it for testing and transfusions. Wtf? The agreement thingy says otherwise....
Tho a little suspicious of that (conspiracy theories revolving around my mind at this point haha), i went ahead with donating anyway, and hope that my blood won't be used for some sort of twisted experiments involving viruses... I was so distracted with that part, i actually filled up the part that said "Untuk Wanita Sahaja", before realising my mistake. I was wondering a little why they asked me "Are you having your period now?" lol.
Luckily they put checkboxes there, or i would have written down "OMFG I R A GUY! ROFLMAO!!!1111eoneoneone"

The extraction of my blood went without a hitch, the nurse poked a huge needle down my left arm, but it was fast so it was only slightly painful. There's a very slight ache at the puncture area, probably grazed a nerve end there. In the end, they got out a 450 pack from me, pretty fine for a couple of minutes of pumping. Head felt a little lighter than usual, but otherwise no other side-effects. But maybe that was caused by the neuron-murdering music they were playing.... i mean, if you want the blood to ge pumping, why not play some rock music to get the "blood flowing"? Hehe. Or it could be that guy, who was actually flirting with one girl who was sitting on the "extraction chair". I mean, wtf, get a room... :rolls eyes: Thats like in front of all the other people who were donating blood, and the nurses... i mean, c'mon! You're flirting! In a blood donation room! Can you spot the horrendous social faux pas???

Well, the staff and helpers were pretty nice, and they gave a pretty generous amount of refreshments as well and got a certificate saying i, "dengan bermurah hati", donated blood for a grand total of.... 1 kali. Hmmm, if i donate blood 20 times, i get 20 certificates!? Haha.

Finished off the day with a nice dinner at SS2 to celebrate my mom's birthday.


Anonymous said...

My parents told me that if you donate a specific amount of times, you get special privileges when you go to government hospital. Namely VIP treatment and first class treatment. I'm not too sure about how many times you have to donate blood though, might be at least 40.

BlurChu? said...


with the finals closing in, we'll be more and more busy! be sure of that!

but do take time to chill out, like me, ok? hahaha!~